Keith Davis, MA

Head, Health Economics

Practice Area
Office Location
Headquarters - Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA

MA, Applied Economics
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC

BA, Economics
BA, History
University of North Carolina at Asheville, Asheville, NC

Keith Davis has extensive experience in study design and data analysis for research projects using retrospective healthcare claims data, electronic medical records, cross-sectional and longitudinal survey data, and data from customized retrospective medical chart abstractions. Mr. Davis has conducted research to estimate the prevalence, incidence, and economic burden of various chronic and acute medical conditions. Mr. Davis also has extensive experience in designing and conducting claims- and chart review-based studies (for both United States and multinational populations) to evaluate treatment patterns, medication persistence and compliance, and associated costs. Therapeutic areas in which Mr. Davis has particular expertise include diabetes, oncology, infectious diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, and neurology. Mr. Davis’ research has been published in numerous peer-reviewed journals. He also regularly provides peer review for journal submissions, including recent article reviews for Value in Health, Journal of Medical Economics, Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, and BMC Health Services Research. Mr. Davis’ research has also been presented at numerous professional conferences and workshops.

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