Bonita Basnyat, PhD

Senior Research Scientist, Patient-Centered outcomes Assessment

headshot of Bonita Basnyat
Office Location
Telecommuter - USA

PhD, Psychology
MA, Psychology
University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI

BA, Psychology
Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH

Bonita S Basnyat, PhD, is a Senior Research Scientist in the Patient-Centered Outcomes Assessment (PCOA) team at RTI Health Solutions. Dr. Basnyat has experience in initiating, directing, and executing patient-reported outcomes studies across multiple therapeutic areas that include NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease), diabetes, respiratory syncytial virus, hereditary angioedema, shingles, and hypophosphatasia.

Prior to joining RTI-HS, Bonita worked at QualityMetric Inc. supporting both qualitative and quantitative patient reported outcomes (PRO) projects as a technical contributor and project manager for multiple therapeutic areas and clients. Dr. Basnyat also worked with Pfizer as a PCOA summer intern in 2018.

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