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Ribera A, Marsal JR , Faixedas MT, Rosas A, Tizon-Marcos H, Rojas S, Labata C, Cardenas M, Homs S, Tomas-Querol C, Garcia-Picart J, Roura G, Masotti M, Mauri J, Pijoan JI, Barrabes JA, Ferreira-Gonzalez I, Codi IAM Investigators Investigators. Revascularized ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Temporal trends in contemporary therapies and impact on outcomes . Rev Esp Cardiol. 2022 Aug;75(8):659-68. doi: 10.1016/j.rec.2021.10.011.
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Ferreira-Gonzalez I, Permanyer Miralda G, Heras M, Ribera A, Marsal JR , Cascant P, Aros F, Bueno H, Sanchez PL, Cunat J, Civeira E, Marrugat J, Investigadores del Estudio MASCARA. Prognosis and management of patients with acute coronary syndrome and polyvascular disease . Rev Esp Cardiol. 2009 Sep;62(9):1012-21. doi: 10.1016/s1885-5857(09)73267-0
Ribera A, Ferreira-Gonzalez I, Cascant P, Marsal JR , Romero B, Pedrol D, Martinez-Useros C, Pons JM, Fernandez T, Permanyer-Miralda G, ARCA Study Investigators. Survival, clinical status and quality of life five years after coronary surgery. The ARCA study . Rev Esp Cardiol. 2009 Jun;62(6):642-51. doi: 10.1016/s1885-5857(09)72228-5