PhD, Epidemiology
Heidelberg College, Heidelberg, Germany
BS, Pharmacy
University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Nuria Riera, PhD, is a Research Epidemiologist at RTI-HS, and has over 10 years of experience in the public health field. During her years as a pharmacy student, she conducted a student research project at the University of Bonn in the Department of Pharmaceutical Microbiology, gaining experience in different laboratory methods. Dr. Riera has experience in clinical pharmacy, including drug distribution, central cytostatic preparation, compounding of total parenteral nutrition, and therapeutic drug monitoring.
During her PhD, Dr. Riera acquired experience in the epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, as well as in the development of study protocols, data analysis, and laboratory methods. She has experience with large longitudinal studies from the German Cancer Research Center.
At RTI-HS, she has provided epidemiologic support for orphan drug applications, pediatric investigational plans, and other key regulatory submissions, targeted and systematic literature reviews (including preparation of manuscripts for publication), and studies using health databases. She also has experience in meta-analysis, case-control, and cohort studies and has worked on drug safety of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and oral hypoglycemic agents.