Sakshi Bhargava, PhD

Senior Programmer and Data Analyst, Patient-Centered Outcomes Assessment

headshot of Sakshi Bhargava
Office Location
Telecommuter - USA

PhD, Developmental Psychology
MS, Developmental Psychology
Graduate Certificate, Applied Statistics
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA

BS, Psychology
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY

Sakshi Bhargava, PhD, is a Senior Programmer and Data Analyst in the Patient-Centered Outcomes Assessment group with RTI-HS. Dr. Bhargava has over 10 years of academic and professional experience in data collection and management of small and large-scale studies, development and implementation of research study protocols, conducting psychometric analyses using social science and health research data, and performing longitudinal statistical analyses, including structure equation modeling and multilevel modeling analyses. Additionally, Dr. Bhargava is experienced in conducting focus group interviews. Dr. Bhargava has several publications and presentations in the fields of psychology and nursing. Some of her work has been published in the Journal of Aging & Mental Health, The Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, PLOS One, and Gerontology.

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