
Data Analysis and Visualization Can Help Strengthen Your Pharma or Medical Technology Product Development

The value of your data may be greater than you think. Unexplored trial or observational data may contain a goldmine of information to support your asset. You can develop insights into the patient experience by linking patient-reported outcomes with clinician-reported outcomes. It's possible to examine if and why treatment responses vary over time and across disease subtypes. Or you can determine if your missing data has a hidden meaning. Our statisticians can help you by applying statistical analysis methods and tools to support your outcomes research, health economics, and epidemiology and safety activities.

Differentiate with Strategic Statistical Data Analysis 

Our team offers a strategic focus to help you plan statistical data analyses and generate data visualizations that can further differentiate your product. We are uniquely positioned to provide expertise in clinical trials combined with broad experience across an array of real-world evidence data sources including observational studies, registries, and patient-reported outcomes. Our biostatisticians are well-versed in applying innovative statistical methods to individual or pooled clinical trial data and accounting for confounding in observational data—creating more opportunities to get the most value out of your study, whether exploratory or pre-specified.

After analyzing your data, a tabular display of results spanning multiple pages may not be the best medium for clearly communicating your product’s value to stakeholders. That is where the proper data visualization becomes critical. It can translate a profusion of results into a user-friendly display that highlights salient information about your product. Our expert statisticians and graphic designers can help you choose and create appropriate graphical displays that will make the results of your analyses clear, understandable, and ready to use for publication and other communications to stakeholders.

Full-Service or As-Needed Statistical Assistance Available

  • Study concept and design consulting
  • Comprehensive data analysis, including exploratory data analysis
  • Interpretation of results
  • Support for scientific presentations and publications

And each step will be delivered with the rigor and quality you expect and can count on.

Because of the unique RTI-HS organizational structure, our biostatisticians collaborate with some of the foremost experts in pharmacoepidemiology, health economics, surveys and observational studies, patient-centered outcomes assessment, and health preference assessment. Our multi-disciplinary team will ensure that your study combines proper rigor with flexible, innovative analytical approaches needed today for ever-broadening sources of available data.

Biostatistics at RTI Health Solutions

Dawn Odom, Vice President of Biostatistics at RTI Health Solutions, talks about how our team of expert statisticians help pharma, biotech, and medtech companies by applying statistical analysis methods to develop insights to support their outcomes research, health economics, and epidemiology and safety activities.