Jaume Aguado, PhD

Director, Biostatistics

headshot of Jaume Aguado
Practice Area
Therapeutic Expertise
Office Location
Barcelona, Spain

PhD, Statistics
BS, Statistics
University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

MSc, Statistical Science and Techniques
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain

Jaume Aguado, PhD, has 20 years of experience working as a statistician for research foundations, clinical research organizations, and pharmaceutical companies. Before joining RTI-HS, he worked at the Fundació Sant Joan de Déu as a research statistician in postapproval observational studies. As a consultant, Dr. Aguado collaborated in various projects that included working as a statistician and data manager for Pfizer Global Epidemiology and RTI-HS, managing large epidemiological databases, analyzing data from epidemiological studies, and generating statistical reports. Some of his former positions include working as a statistician and data manager at the Fundació Clínic on a series of research projects about women's health and as an Associate Professor at the Universitat de Barcelona, where he taught statistics and demography to medical students. Dr. Aguado is proficient in creating models for longitudinal data (e.g., repeated-measures models), linear regression, logistic regression, survival analysis, multiple imputations for missing data, and models with latent variables (e.g., structural equation models). He is highly skilled in SAS programming, including SQL, MACRO, and ODS.

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