Caroline Vass, PhD

Senior Economist

Office Location
Manchester, United Kingdom

PhD, Medicine (Health Economics)
The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom

MSc, Health Economics and Health Policy
BSc, Economics
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Caroline Vass, PhD, is a Research Economist in Health Preference Assessment at RTI-HS. Dr. Vass has over 10 years of experience as a health economist within consulting and academic environments. She holds a master's degree in health economics and health policy from the University of Birmingham and a doctorate in medicine (health economics) from The University of Manchester. Her area of expertise is preference elicitation, including the design and implementation of survey-based methods. Dr. Vass also has extensive experience of undertaking systematic literature reviews. Her doctorate investigated the communication of risk information in experiments eliciting preferences for breast cancer screening. Her most recent research has quantified preferences for the provision of information in antenatal screening and stratified approaches to the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Prior to joining RTI-HS, Dr. Vass worked as a research fellow at The University of Manchester. Dr. Vass has published her research in peer-reviewed journals including Medical Decision Making, PharmacoEconomics, Value in Health, The Patient, the European Journal of Health Economics, the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, and BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth.

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