Musetti S, Huang L. Nanoparticle-mediated remodeling of the tumor microenvironment to enhance immunotherapy. ACS Nano. 2018 Dec 26;12(12):11740-55. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.8b05893

Nanoscience has long been lauded as a method through which tumor-associated barriers could be overcome. As successful as cancer immunotherapy has been, limitations associated with the tumor microenvironment or side effects of systemic treatment have become more apparent. In this Review, we seek to lay out the therapeutic challenges associated with the tumor microenvironment and the ways in which nanoscience is being applied to remodel the tumor microenvironment and increase the susceptibility of many cancer types to immunotherapy. We detail the nanomedicines on the cutting edge of cancer immunotherapy and how their interactions with the tumor microenvironment make them more effective than systemically administered immunotherapies.

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