Muszbek N, Benedict A, Wolowacz S. Health economic modeling in oncology. Presented at the 2017 ISPOR 22nd Annual International Meeting; May 22, 2017. Boston, MA. Previously presented at the ISPOR 19th Annual European Congress.

An update on the systematic literature review (SLR) by the Oncology Health Economic Modeling Working Group will be presented. The SLR is evaluating the availability and quality of the data on health utilities, resource use and costs in post-progression/post-response in advanced oncology indications in primary studies and economic evaluations. The objective of the SLR is to assess the current gaps, data quality issues, and other challenges in eliciting/collecting, analyzing and implementing inputs in economic evaluations. The group will also make recommendations in collaboration with clinicians, payers, and patient representatives for future research and approaches to overcoming these challenges. This forum will present the methods used in the literature search and will introduce the results from the search and screening. Data extraction forms will be presented with the preliminary findings for utilities, resource use and costs, including recommendations for researchers, lessons from the literature review process. Data availability will be contrasted across indications and major data gaps will be pointed out. The audience will be invited to comment and provide feedback on the project. The presentation may be of interest to anyone involved in producing or using results of cost-effectiveness models of advanced oncology treatments, including health economists, members of health technology assessment bodies, payers, and manufacturers.

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