Russell MA, Dharmage S, Fuertes E, Marcon A, Carsin AE, Pascual Erquicia S, Heinrich J, Johannessen A, Abramson MJ, Amaral AFS, Cerveri I, Demoly P, Garcia-Larsen V, Jarvis D, Martinez-Moratalla J, Nowak D, Palacios-Gomez L, Squillacioti G, Raza W, Emtner M, Garcia-Aymerich J. The effect of physical activity on asthma incidence over 10 years: population-based study. ERJ Open Res. 2021 Mar 1;7(1):00970-202. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00970-2020

Although there are many health benefits from being active, there was no benefit observed in this study from vigorous physical activity in reducing the risk of asthma onset in middle-aged adults.

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